We oftentimes turn to the internet or browse our newsfeed in search for life’s greatest answers. Whether it is a tutorial on how to bake a simple cake or tips on how to move on from your ex, the internet has been a wonderful place to search for knowledge.

However, on the other side is the exact opposite of knowledge; plain old stupidity. And it has been proven just as rampant as the number of pictures we collected that clearly represents it. Many of these images would probably give you a dozen of facepalm moments and plenty more chuckles.

Keep in mind that the following thread shared by netizens all over is meant to amuse and not be used. Or if you are the ‘I got try it for myself’ type of person, please leave us out of it.

Do you always find yourself crying when slicing that onion? This tip is just for you. Try not to suffocate, though.

Source: Reddit SashaEitan

Yes, space is more important than the fact you won’t be able to use those balls anymore.

Source: earthables

Use your seatbelt as a bottle opener. Great! Just don’t let a traffic ranger see you.

Source: imgur 420B

Do you want to ‘sneak in’ a Snickers in the cinema? Here is the perfect hiding spot!

Source: imgur Miko99

Holes on your socks? Forget needles and threads, just use black permanent marker!

Source: Imgur shotsfiredyo

Your hoodie as a popcorn holder. Be warmed while snacking all at the same time.

Source: likecool.com

It turns out, toilet seats are the perfect food tray!

Source: imgur scarletgem20

Busy and have not time to go to the pantry to heat your snacks? Use your laptop chargers instead!

Source: Reddit 23F

Tangled headsets? Worry no more! Just use this product, guaranteed to remove tangles!

Source: Reddit Eeli100

This is probably the best life hack on this list.

Source: Reddit Louniness

Tired of ironing your shirt? Get fat instead! Guaranteed to make those creases disappear!

Source: Reddit nocheeseforyou

I cringe just seeing this.

Source: Reddit sinner_vip

Can’t read those tiny letters? You just need a glass full of water and, voila! Instant magnifier!

Source: Reddit the_pr0fessor

No spoon? Use your fork and some tape instead!

Source: shack15

Love your personal space? Here is the latest invention guaranteed to keep people away.

Source: Siew Ming Cheng

Know anyone crazy enough to try these hilariously worthless life hacks or just want to brighten someone’s day? Share this post and spread the laughter!

