No doubt being an educator is a tough job. Imagine grading thousands of papers, explaining myriad of things, and dealing with misdemeanors all the time; it’s a wonder how (some) teachers still keep their sanity.
We can’t express enough how amazed we are on these real life superheroes. And though we stereotype teachers as serious, boring, and strict, they are actually a fountain of humor and sharp remarks.
Take for example the following teachers who knew well how to give a great comeback to smug students looking to outsmart them or how hilariously sarcastic some of their reminders can be.
Browsing at test papers and research papers have never been this fun!
Jackie thought the teacher wouldn’t notice. Little did she know the teacher has imprinted the test on mind.

Who says hashtags are only for millenials? Teachers can put them to good use, too.

What does a teacher do when getting a hate mail? Proofread it, then burn the student.

Too bad the tiny details cost you more points. Next time, get the tail right.

Exactly our question! Next time, skip the bubble letters.

There is the confirmation you need. The question is who got more depressed?

Here is an equally hilarious exchange of doodles.

Everyone is good at something. Apparently, even Josh.

I bet the student didn’t ‘see’ that coming.

God must have liked Saturn very much because He put seven rings on it.

Well, the teacher offered a good advice about cheating next time, except, they never win.

I think we can all agree that the plus one point was well-deserved. Still wouldn’t make the student pass, though.

But this other guy was not lucky. Not a good choice of doodles, perhaps?

Let this be a reminder, not just to students, but to everyone.

Here is a classic note that shows ‘teaching by example.’

So next time you decide to troll your teacher, better think twice. You’ll never know what witty comeback they have hidden in their sleeves.