It’s undeniable that animals are quite adorable and they give us that ‘aww’ moment all the time. They do a lot of charming things that it is quite hard not to make a funny or inspiring meme out of them.
So whenever we feel gloomy or annoyed at humanity in front of our faces, it’s really a great time to turn our attention to these animal memes. These photos will surely turn our mood around in an instant.
But even if we were in a completely happy mood, this collection of pictures is still set to lift you up even higher. Not convinced? Scroll down to your five minutes of giggly and heartwarming journey.
And the Ms. Congeniality award goes to…

Both owner and pet are so adorable!

She is really proud of her collection!

Cheers to these tandem heroes!

I hope all cars come with a puppy holder and a puppy!

Me pranking my mom be like.

Finally found my spirit animal!

A pet with a responsible owner makes a responsible pet owner.

Here’s Panda , one of our favorite cats!

Maybe we can leave the charger, …and the laptop … and all the clothes…

And the Best Plumber Award goes to…

I’m guessing they were either soulmates or twins in their previous lives.

But what if he starts controlling you by pulling your hair???

If there’s a will, there’s a way!

Just out here lending a paw!

When dogs have a better relationship than you…


When a lizard acts more sleek than your man…

Did we mention you got a problem when pets act more sleek than your man??

First meetings are usually the most awkward….

And yeah, birds can have better love life than you…

We all have that one friend!

Just pet him already!!!

Unlike some people we know!

You don’t call them best friend for nothing!

Really much better than some human friends I know!

And did we mention how appreciative they are?!

Just a little compliment goes a long way!

They won’t even judge how ugly your footwear is!

They will never leave you no matter what!

Filled with all that giddy feeling inside? Don’t keep it to yourself, though! Spread the love by sharing this article to your friends and loved-ones!
READ: 30 Photos That Show What Hilariously Horrible Things Pets Do When Left Alone