Seven-year-old, Mackenzie Emmanuel was sent home by his school St. Mary’s C of E Primary School in Willesden after his new haircut was deemed inappropriate and could distract other children. The boy was sporting a No.2 cut on the sides and No.3 on top with a shaved line along one side of head.

His father, Craig Emmanuel, a resident of Neasden, North London, reportedly resigned his job because of the incident after he took time off to look after boy.

He just started his work with his company and has not yet earned any holiday. It was also not possible to swap shifts with his other colleagues.

Mackenzie had gotten the haircut to stand out to an Arsenal  scout who was visiting his youth football squad.  The school has advised his mother to cut his hair even shorter or wait until it grew back. Mackenzie’s mother refused and was furious her son was sent home due to a trivial matter.

Susan Lawrence, head teacher of Mackenzie’s school, did not comment on what happened to Mackenzie but called out that the school’s uniform policy were handed out to parents at the beginning of the school year.

She added that they understood the frustration of Mackenzie’s parents over the reinforcement of the policy and they are in contact with them to come up to an agreeable solution.


