We often hear stories of how cats are excellent mothers. They are most of the time caring and protective of their litter. We’ve seen these feline mothers brave the cold to search for food to bring to their baby kittens, or fought with other dangerous animals to keep them safe.
However, we never really expect to see a father cat having the same affection and care for his younglings. It is not really a common sight. But basing on the pictures shared by Global Cat Network’s Facebook post, it is actually possible. This golden cat has been labeled father of the year and good husband due to his dedication to his family.
Check out their ‘family pictures’ below:
Here is ‘Daddy Cat’ patiently waiting for the arrival of his babies. He is obviously tired and sleepy, but he dared not sleep on duty.

‘Daddy Cat’ gives ‘Mommy Cat’ a well-deserved kiss for all her hard labor. Such a loving gesture!

Finally, the kitties are born! ‘Mommy Cat’ gave birth to four beautiful babies with two looking very much like dad.

‘Daddy Cat’ snuggles closely to ‘Mommy Cat’ and their babies giving extra warmth and TLC.

‘Mommy Cat’ had to be gone for a while, so ‘Daddy Cat’ gladly stays and looks after the babies.

‘Mommy Cat’ is back! Time for more snuggles!

If this is not true love, I don’t know what is anymore.

Netizens could not help but react to the beautiful love story of this cat couple, even saying that the male cat is better than some of his human counterparts when it comes to fatherhood. They also shared some photos of beautiful cat families which prove that loving cat fathers are more common than we had ever imagined.

This is a truly heartwarming and inspiring story that shows us that even animals have a heart for their own family.