Being single is a good thing. You don’t need permission to go anywhere, you don’t have to share your food, and you are spared from the headaches and the heartaches of being in a relationship.
It seems like the perfect deal until you need to attend that family reunion where everyone would question your singleness, or when it’s a holiday and you got nobody to celebrate it with.
When faced with this dilemma, you should do what any Japanese woman would. Hire yourself a boyfriend! It gives you the benefits of companionship minus the headaches and heartbreaks. Just make sure to save up enough money because it could be very expensive.
A service in Nagoya, Japan is offering ‘realistic’ cast of boyfriends, with reasonably good looks, their ages ranging from 19 to 57 years old. Dubbed as “Ria Kare” translated as “Real Boyfriend”, the rental service aims to provide ladies with a variety of stylish escorts for different kinds of date scenarios.

With the high price for rental boyfriends, it is no surprise that they undergo at least two years of training before they are allowed to work in the industry. With the growing trend of successful and empowered women in Japan, renting a ‘boyfriend’ has been highly accepted and a thriving business in Japan.