If you have loads of billions in your bank, you would surely want to spend a lot of money to guarantee your survival during an apocalypse. After all, what’s the use of all you wealth if you are to die?
As often portrayed in Hollywood movies, only the richest of the rich survives doomsday because they were able to buy themselves seats to survival. Apparently, this is also happening in real life. But unlike that in apocalypse movies, billionaire bunkers are so high-end luxurious that you would want to live in them even before a nuclear warfare starts.
The Oppodium in Czech Republic is one of the locations that offers high-end bunkers.

The Oppodium is being dubbed as the largest billionaire bunker in the world.

A growing demand for structures that can protect people from risks such as global pandemic, an asteroid or even World War III with a touch of luxurious amenities has been on the rise as threats of global annihilation have been more rampant. The world’s top 1% includes hedge fund managers, sports stars and tech executives, and most of them have already purchased or have custom made bunkers.
Amenities include a pool and an underground garden that simulates natural light.

Meanwhile in Germany, Vivos Europa One is billed as a ‘modern day Noah’s Ark.’

According to Gary Lynch, general manager of Rising S Company, 2016 sales of their custom high-end bunkers grew 700% compared to 2015 while overall sales have grown 300% since the November US Presidential elections.
Interested to own a bunker? Prepare to shell out a cost of between $25,000 to $200,000 for the INTERIOR DESIGN alone.

Will they miss the old Earth? No. High-end LED screens give illusions of skylights and windows.

The steel bunkers are designed to last for generations, have the ability to hold a year’s supply of food per resident and withstand earthquakes and the likes. Hydroponic gardens are also present to supplement food ration once the supply has gone out.
Survival Condo in Kansas, Texas was one a missile silo. It has a steel door that can survive nuclear attacks.

Do not be fooled.This seemingly relaxed atmosphere is also a nuclear-hardened bunker that offers military-level security.

But what stands out with these exorbitant structures are the high-end finishes, some looking more like mansions or luxurious hotels rather than bunkers.
This two-story concrete house in Poland offers maximum security with movable walls. Perfect for a zombie apocalypse!

While many thinks the luxury amenities at the facilities are unnecessary, the developers argue that it is critical to survival.
WATCH: The largest Doomsday Community is now on the market.
Maybe to those who have lived with luxury their whole lives. But for the rest of us all over the world, let use just rely on prayers and redemption..